Thursday, July 13, 2006

Laws of Riches Part I

Many people dream to be rich. Why are some people rich and others poor? ladyluck? determined destiny? or just fickle fate? How does a man from poverty rise above the norms of society refusing to impose on himself limitations of any sort to becoming one of the wealthiest people in the country? Yes, we have heard all these stories before. From Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company) to Sam Walton(Walmart). From Andrew Carnegie( Carnegie Steel) to JP Morgan( JP Morgan & Co) .To give a bit of our local flavour we have our very own Mr Mustaq Ahmed (Mohammad Mustafa & Samsuddin). The list is endless. What does a rich man understand about money that a poor man does not? What were their beliefs towards money that led to their accumulation of such wealth?

The very first universal law of riches states that if a man wishes to be in possesion of money, he should stop wasting it.


To waste money money simply put it is one of the biggest mistakes anybody can do. The idea of spending whatever you have and not buiding your castle of wealth will not allow the Goddess of wealth to follow you. Some people say "Oh! i have worked so hard today, let me buy for myself a nice pair of walking shoes". This is fine provided you don't already own one or the one that you own needs replacement because buying another pair just to make yourself feel good does not do justice to your money.

During my grandmothers demise a couple of years back, i had an rich uncle who attended the funeral. During the mourning period we had prayers everyday for twelve days. During one of the days after lunch was served to the all the people who came to offer their condolences, i noticed this uncle of mine was taking out a plastic cup. These are the type of plastic party cups that came in packs of 20 or 30 all stacked on top of each other.

Now, at anytime when we needed a drink, everybody including me would just take a cup, fill it with the drink, drink it and throw the empty cup away. Seems pretty normal. However this uncle of mine took his cup, filled it with drink, drank it BUT did not throw the empty cup away. Instead, he took a tissue out from his pocket after his finished drinking, placed it in the empty cup and put the cup on the shelf. Whenever he was thristy during the day which i observed him, he took the tissue out, filled his cup with drink, drank, put the same tissue in the cup and placed the cup on the shelf. This happened quite a few times. After a couple of times i finally got irritated and asked him scornfully, "Uncle! what are you doing? There are so many cups why can't you just throw the cup away and take a new one? There are more cups than we need! To this he just looked at me as if i was one of the most stupid person on the face of the planet. "I don't like to waste.", he remarked casually. With that he just turned and went about greeting the guests and attending to their needs.

This remark left a lasting impression on me. I realized then that why he was so rich. The fact that he did not like to waste even an insignificant item like a plastic cup that most people wouldn't even give a hoot about made me understand the universal law that governs money. This attitude of not wasting was one of the major factors of his accumulation of wealth. This IS the greatest law.

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